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Provost's Readings List


  1. Levine, Arthur and Van Pelt, Scott J. The Great Upheaval: Higher Education's Past Present and Uncertain Future. John Hopkins University Press, 2021.

  2. Arum, Richard and Roksa, Josipa. Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. University of Chicago Press, 2022.

  3. LeBlanc, Paul. Students First: Equity, Access, and Opportunity in Higher Education. Harvard Educational Press, 2022.

  4. Cotle, Daniel, The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups. Bantam Books, 2018.

  5. Martin, James and Samels, James E. The Provost's Handbook.: The Role of the Chief Academic Officer. John Hopkins University Press, 2015.

  6. The Impact of Feedback in Higher Education: Improving Assessment Outcomes for Learners. Edited by Michael Henderson, Rola Ajjawi, David Boud, and Elizabeth Molloy. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

  7. Rosenberg, Brian. Harvard Educational Press, 2023. Whatever it is, I am Against it”: Resistance to Change in Higher Education.

  8. Aoun, Joseph. E.The MIT Press, 2018. Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.

  9. Tinto. Vincent. Completing College: Rethinking Institutional Action. University of Chicago Press, 2012.

  10. Davidson, Cathy N. The New Education: How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World of Flux. Basic Books, 2017.

  11. Riordan, Brodie Gregory. Feedback Fundamentals and Evidence-Based Best Practices (Give It, Ask For It, Use It.). Routledge, 2021.

  12. Felton, Peter and Lambert, Leo M. Relationship Risch Education” How Human Connections Drive Success in College. John Hopkins University Press, 2020.

  13. Kuh, George D. et al. Using Evidence of Student Learning to Improve Higher Education. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.

  14. McNair Tia Brown et al. Becoming a Student Ready College. Wiley, 2020.

  15. Nilson, Kinda B, and Goodson, Ludwika A. Online Teaching at its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research. Wiley, 2018.

  16. Riggs, Shannon. Thrive Online: A New Approach to Building Expertise and Confidence as an Online Educator. Sterling, 2019.

  17. Miller, Michelle D. Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology. Harvard University Press, 2014.

  18. Schwab, Klaus. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. World Economic Forum, 2016.

  19. Darby, Flower. Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes. Wily, 2019.

  20. King, Elliot, and Alperstein. Best Practices in Strategic Planning for Online Educational Programs. Routledge, 2018.

  21. King, Elliot, and Alperstein. Best Practices in Online Program Development. Routledge, 2015.

  22. Magana, Sonny. Disruptive Classroom Technologies: A Framework for Innovation in Education. Corwin, 2017.

  23. Means, Barbara et al. Learning Online: What Research Tells about Whether, When and How. Routledge, 2014.

  24. Tobin. Thomas J. and Behling, Kristen T. Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education. West Virginia University Press, 2018.

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